Drop the Guillotine. That was the song that was playing as I left Peach Pit's concert...45 minutes before the end.
But I didn't leave by choice, let's set the record straight on that.
I had been waiting six years for this concert. Covid got in the way of any plans for the last tours, but they were finally here, performing on Friday, May 13, 2022. I bought the tickets as soon as I saw they were performing only a short distance away in a place called The Mill in Birmingham.
But if you don't know who Peach Pit are, I'll introduce them. They are an indie/rock band from Canada with a sound that feels nostalgic and lyrics all about being young, carefree and making mistakes. Neil does the vocals and also plays guitar, Chris plays lead guitar and has a moustache straight out of the 80s. Peter has long hair and is the bassist and there's Mikey who has long hair and a long beard and he's the drummer.
Before Peach Pit were due to perform, Sun Seeker opened as the supporting band. I didn't know these guys at all, but they had a great sound, and the singer chucked a few slices of bread into the crowd because we 'looked hungry' so that was an interesting start to the night. Pieces of ripped up bread would be tossed up into the air occasionally throughout the rest of the night.
But of course, the concert really started when Peach Pit entered the stage. Neil said they were all jet lagged and had just woken up from a nap and walked straight on stage. Though if they hadn't have said anything then nobody would've noticed anyway, looking tired fits well with their image.
Yet even jet lagged and fresh from a nap, they played with such high energy from the get-go. After only being able to stream their music for the past six years to then hearing them play live, I finally understood that this is the way music is supposed to be heard.
It's a whole different level of experiencing music, Chris's riffs are straight-up hypnotic, you can feel Mikey's drumming passion and Peter plays the bass so effortlessly its almost unfair. And Neil. He swings and bops around like a Beyblade has been let off on stage. Oh, and his vocals are so clear, even with the bopping around.
But the crowd favourite song was definitely Vickie. As soon as it started cheers rose up and everyone sang along. I lost my voice cheering and singing so much. My arms felt like lead from waving them about so much too.
So, the concert was amazing but now the question is: if I love them so much then why did I leave the concert early? Simple. I had to catch the last train. Public transport is a pain once more.
But even though I probably missed out on some of my favourite songs being performed live, it was still one of the best nights of my life so far. Peach Pit live. A band whose songs have been and will continue to be the soundtrack to my youth. When I think back to my time in university, it will be one of their songs playing in the background of my memory montage. They're special. And I think everyone should give them a chance, even if you aren't in your youth anymore, they could certainly take you back.